A foundation established by the GAA and Glór na nGael to help develop the Irish language at club level in the GAA. Irish has always been a core element of the GAA culture and the foundation aims to help clubs ensure it remains a part of their everyday activities and communication.
I mbliana tá Gaeil Raghnallach ag iarraidh go mbronnfar bonn cré-umha orthu ag deireach 2020 má éiríonn linn 18 gníomhachtaí a chur i bhfeidhm sa club ar son an teanga. Táimíd ag obair go dian ar seo agus b’aoibheann linn closint ó gach duine sa chlub a bhfuil smaoineamh ar bith acu faoi imeachtaí as Gaeilge.
This year Ranelagh Gaels are hoping to be awarded a bronze medal in Croke Park at the end of 2020 if we succeed in putting in place our target of 18 activities to support Irish in the club.
Given the importance of Irish in the GAA culture, would you like to see a bit more Irish used in Ranelagh Gaels?
73% of members said they would like to see more Irish used in Ranelagh Gaels.
Would you (or your children) like to be able to say a few key phrases as Gaeilge when you’re playing or watching a match?
72% would like to be able to say a few key phrases in Irish when playing/watching a match.
How would you describe your level of understanding and speaking Irish at the moment?
While some people have a lot of Irish and a few have none, most of us are somewhere in the middle.