Gaelic 4 Mothers & Others was introduced by the LGFA as a way to encourage mothers and other women to play Ladies Gaelic Football. G4MO has been on the go in Ranelagh Gaels for a few years now. There is a minimum age limit of 25 years of age to join.
Over 40 women are registered to play in the G4MO group, and we typically have 15-20 rocking up to St Mary's College astro in Rathmines for training on a Friday evening.
Some may have played a long time back, but the majority are new to the sport. The spirit of G4MO is non-competitive, so participants needn't worry if their soloing isn’t up to scratch or their kick passes go wildly astray. That said, we are often surprised by the grit and competitive edge that comes out in training matches!
For more information, click below to contact
Niamh Donnelly
Tel: 087-9180716